Thursday, November 10, 2011

Nikolaev, Ukraine 08-10 Nov 2011

NIKOLAEV, UKRAINE 08-10 Nov 2011

Well, as many of you already know, we arrived in Nikolaev safely. It took a couple days to adjust to the time difference, therefore I am writing this at 3:30 am. Isaac enjoyed his first plane flights and views of different worlds. It was special to watch Isaac have these new experiences.

We have met with Olya, Dasha, and Olamide each day since our arrival on Tuesday. It has been wonderful to visit these new Christians- I have grown close to all three after our campaign last summer. We are looking forward to the gathering with the church Sunday; I have been calling, emailing, and skypeing to contact others to come on Sunday.

We needed to get vegetables for Borsht(Ukrainian soup dish) yesterday (Thursday) so we went to the market, which is the largest I had ever seen- it goes for several blocks. Andrea and Isaac did so well at practicing their Russian while at the market. After getting all the ingredients, Olya and Andrea made borsht for all of us, and it was delicious! It was a blessed time for Olya and Andrea to bond as sisters in Christ.

Please, pray for us as we meet with the brothers and sisters here to encourage them, as well as seek out other opportunities like speaking at the university and teaching bible. I will be calling today to make an appointment for next week to speak at the university across the street from where the church meets.

Isaac's first plane flight- he got the window seat.

Isaac with Olya(left) and Dasha(right)

Andrea and Isaac in front of our apartment entrance.

Andrea and I sporting my new hat.

Isaac and Olamide(a christian from Nigeria attending the ship building university)

Andrea and Olya preparing Borsht

БОРЩ (Borsht)

At the Market

We can't get away from Oregon.

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